Publication List (Since 2003)
62. Berkowitz, A. E., et al. "Exchange bias mediated by interfacial nanoparticles."
Journal of Applied Physics 117.17 (2015): 172607.
61. Ma, Yicong, et al. "Accurate calibration and control of relative humidity close to 100% by X-raying a DOPC multilayer."
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics17.5 (2015): 3570-3576.
60. Sinha, Sunil K., Zhang Jiang, and Laurence B. Lurio. "X‐ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Studies of Surfaces and Thin Films."
Advanced Materials 26.46 (2014): 7764-7785.
. Chen S.-W, et al. Nonswitchable magnetic moments in polycrystalline and (111)-epitaxial permalloy/CoO exchange-biased bilayers[J].
Physical Review B, 2014, 89(9): 094419.
58. Chen, S.-W. et al. Jamming Behavior of Domains in a Spiral Antiferromagnetic System.
Physical Review Letters 110, 217201 (2013).
57. Tayebi, L., et al., Large Range Interlayer Alignment of Intralayer Domains in Stacked Lipid Bilayers.
Nature Materials 11, 1074-1080 (2012).
56. Kuang Y J, et al. Growth of GaNxAsyP1− x− y alloys on GaP (100) by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy[J].
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2012, 30(2): 02B121.
55. Koga,
T., et al., X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Study on Dynamics of
the free Surface in Entangled Polystyrene melt Films.
Journal of
Physics: Conference Series, 2011. 272, 012003.
54. Jiang,
Z., et al., Waveguide-enhanced grazing-incidence small-angle x-ray
scattering of buried nanostructures in thin films.
Physical Review B,
2011. 84(7), 075440.
53. DeCaro, C.M., et al., Substrate suppression of thermal roughness in
stacked supported bilayers.
Physical Review E, 2011. 84(4), 041914.
52. Prasad, S., et al., Effect of Surface Freezing on Meniscus Relaxation in Side Chain Comb Polymers.
Physical Review Letters, 2010, 104, 137801.
51. Koga, T., et al., Reduced viscosity of the free surface in entangled polymer melt films.
Physical Review Letters, 2010, 104, 066101.
50. Roy S, et al. Delocalization and hybridization enhance the magnetocaloric effect in Cu-doped Ni 2 MnGa[J].
Physical Review B, 2009, 79(23): 235127.
49. Srivastava, S., et al., Complex dynamics in polymer nanocomposites.
Physical Review E, 2009. 79(2), 021408.
48. Roshchin, I.V., et al., Measurement of the vortex core in sub-100
nm Fe dots using polarized neutron scattering. Europhysics Lettesrs, 2009. 86(6), 67008.
47. Roshchin, I.V., et al., Magnetic vortices in sub-100 nm magnets.
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Electromagnetics in
Advanced Applications. ICEAA 2009. 11th Edition, 2009.
46. Akgun, B., et al., Surface Dynamics of "Dry" Homopolymer Brushes.
Macromolecules, 2009. 42(3): p. 737-741.
45. Prasad, S., et al., Partial crystallinity in alkyl side chain
polymers dictates surface freezing. Physical Review Letters, 2008.
101(6), 065505.
Mukhopadhyay, M.K., et al., Thickness induced structural changes in
polystyrene films. Physical Review Letters, 2008. 101(11), 115501.
43. Krishnamurthy, V.V., et al., Magnetic short-range correlations and
quantum critical scattering in the non-Fermi liquid regime of
URu(2-x)Re(x)Si(2) (x=0.2-0.6). Physical Review B, 2008. 78(2), 024413.
42. Jiang, Z., et al., Entanglement Effects in Capillary Waves on
Liquid Polymer Films. Physical Review Letters, 2008. 101(24), 246104.
41. Gutt, C., et al., Effects of partial coherence on correlation
functions measured by x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. Physical
Review B, 2008. 77(9), 094133.
40. Blackburn, E., et al., Pinned Co moments in a polycrystalline
permalloy/CoO exchange-biased bilayer. Physical Review B, 2008. 78(18), 180408(R).
39. Blackburn, E., et al., Neutron scattering study of the excitation
spectrum of solid helium at ultra-low temperatures. Pramana-Journal of
Physics, 2008. 71(4): p. 673-678.
38. Sinha, S.K., Complementary use of neutron and synchrotron X-ray
scattering for problems of interest in condensed matter physics. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2007. 68(11): p. 2048-2051.
37. Roy, S., et al., Evidence of modified ferromagnetism at a buried
Permalloy/CoO interface at room temperature. Physical Review B, 2007.
75(1), 014442.
36. Kim, H., et al., Hydrodynamic surface fluctuations of polymer films
by coherent X-ray scattering. Thin Solid Films, 2007. 515(14): p.
35. Johnson, J.A., et al., Complementary neutron and x-ray reflectivity
studies of "near-frictionless" carbon films. Journal of Applied
Physics, 2007. 101(10).
34. Johnson, J.A., et al., Complementary neutron and x-ray reflectivity
studies of "near-frictionless" carbon films. Journal of Applied
Physics, 2007. 101(12).
33. Jiang, Z., et al., Structure and dynamics of thin polymer films
using synchrotron X-ray scattering. Journal of Applied Crystallography,
2007. 40: p. S18-S22.
32. Jiang, Z., et al., Evidence for viscoelastic effects in surface
capillary waves of molten polymer films. Physical Review Letters, 2007.
31. Hsu, C.-H., et al., Proceedings of the Ninth International
Conference on Surface X-ray and Neutton Scattering Taipei, Taiwan, July
16-20, 2006 - Preface. Thin Solid Films, 2007. 515(14): p. 5529-5531.
30. Gutt, C., et al., Partially wetting thin liquid films: Structure
and dynamics studied with coherent x rays. Physical Review Letters,
2007. 99(9).
29. Fitzsimmons, M.R., et al., Combined magnetic X-ray and polarized
neutron reflectivity study of the origins of exchange bias in the
Co/FeF(2) system. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2007. 41(2-3): p.
28. Fitzsimmons, M.R., et al., Pinned magnetization in the
antiferromagnet and ferromagnet of an exchange bias system. Physical
Review B, 2007. 75(21).
27. Blackburn, E., et al., Absence of a low-temperature anomaly in the
Debye-Waller factor of solid He-4 down to 140 mK. Physical Review B,
2007. 76(2).
26. Ahn, S., et al., Fluid-induced wall shear stress in anthropomorphic
brain aneurysm models: MR phase-contrast study at 3 T. Journal of
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2007. 25(6): p. 1120-1130.
25. Sinha, S.K., et al., Combined neutron and synchrotron studies of
magnetic films. Pramana-Journal of Physics, 2006. 67(1): p. 47-55.
24. Li, C.H., et al., The effect of surface interactions on the
viscosity of polymer thin films. Europhysics Letters, 2006. 73(6): p.
23. Jiang, Z., et al., Surface and interfacial dynamics of polymeric
bilayer films. Physical Review E, 2006. 74(1).
22. Hu, X., et al., Observation of a low-viscosity interface between
immiscible polymer layers. Physical Review E, 2006. 74(1).
21. Sinha, S.K., Proceedings of the eighth international conference on
surface X-ray and neutron scattering - Foreword. Physica B-Condensed
Matter, 2005. 357(1-2): p. VII-X.
20. Seo, Y.S., et al., Deviations from liquidlike behavior in molten
polymer films at interfaces. Physical Review Letters, 2005. 94(15).
19. Roy, S., et al., Depth profile of uncompensated spins in an
exchange bias system. Physical Review Letters, 2005. 95(4).
18. Narayanan, S., et al., Real-time evolution of the distribution of
nanoparticles in an ultrathin-polymer-film-based waveguide. Physical
Review Letters, 2005. 94(14).
17. Islam, Z., et al., High-resolution polarization analysis study of
long-range magnetic order in cuprates. Physical Review B, 2005. 71(21).
16. Hu, X.S., et al., Resonantly enhanced off-specular X-ray scattering
from polymer/polymer interfaces. European Physical Journal E, 2005.
17(3): p. 353-359.
15. Sinha, S.K., Synchrotron studies of lattice distortions and lattice
modulations in complex oxides. Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie, 2004.
219(3): p. 143-147.
14. Kim, H.Y., et al., Polymer film dynamics using X-ray photon
correlation spectroscopy. Materials Science & Engineering
C-Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems, 2004. 24(1-2): p. 11-14.
13. Kim, H., et al., Synchrotron radiation studies of the dynamics of
polymer films. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 2004. 16(33): p.
12. Fitzsimmons, M.R., et al., Neutron scattering studies of
nanomagnetism and artificially structured materials. Journal of
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2004. 271(1): p. 103-146.
11. Mochrie, S.G.J., et al., X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
studies of colloidal diffusion and the capillary modes of polymer
films. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 2003. 336(1-2): p. 173-180.
10. Lurio, L., et al., Surface tension and surface roughness of
supported polystyrene films. Macromolecules, 2003. 36(15): p. 5704-5709.
9. Lee, D.R., et al., Polarized neutron scattering from ordered
magnetic domains on a mesoscopic permalloy antidot array. Applied
Physics Letters, 2003. 82(1): p. 82-84.
8. Lee, D.R., et al., X-ray resonant magnetic scattering from
structurally and magnetically rough interfaces in multilayered systems.
II. Diffuse scattering. Physical Review B, 2003. 68(22).
7. Lee, D.R., et al., X-ray resonant magnetic scattering from
structurally and magnetically rough interfaces in multilayered systems.
I. Specular reflectivity. Physical Review B, 2003. 68(22).
6. Lee, D.R., et al., X-ray scattering from freestanding polymer films
with geometrically curved surfaces.
Physical Review Letters, 2003.
90(18), 185503.
5. Lee, D.R., et al., Characterization of the nanostructures of a
lithographically patterned dot array by x-ray pseudo-Kossel lines. Applied Physics Letters, 2003. 82(6): p. 982-984.
4. Kim, H., et al., Surface dynamics of polymer films. Physical Review
Letters, 2003. 90(6), 068302.
3. Gutt, C., et al., Observation of heterodyne mixing in surface x-ray
photon correlation spectroscopy experiments. Physical Review Letters,
2003. 91(7), 076104.
2. Campbell, B.J., et al., Polaronic orbital polarization in a layered
colossal magnetoresistive manganite. Physical Review B, 2003. 67(2) 020409(R).
1. Seeck, O.H., et al., Observation of thickness quantization in liquid
films confined to molecular dimension. Europhysics
Letters, 2002. 60(3): p. 376-382.