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Magnetic films and nanostructures

      I. Interface Between a Ferromagnet and an Antiferromagnet – Exchange Bias System

We are using polarized neutron reflectivity and resonant magnetic x-ray scattering to study the details of the depth dependence of the magnetization and the lateral domain structure in the vicinity of the interfaces in compound magnetic structures. The experiments are carried out at the Los Alamos Laboratory Manuel Lujan Neutron scattering facility, the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and the National Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven National Laboraotry.

The systems being studied include ferromagnetic films deposited on antiferromagnets (so-called "exchange-bias" systems), multilayers exhibiting the giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect or spin-valve systems, ferromagnet/semiconductor interfaces (so-called "spin injection systems"), magnetic nanodot arrays deposited on solid substrates, and hole arrays in magnetic films.

Issues we are interested in include the correlation between interfacial roughness and magnetic domain structure and coercive fields; the origin and location of the so-called "uncompensated spins" in an antiferromagnet in contact with a ferromagnet and their domain structure and its relation to the domain structure in the ferromagnet as a function of applied magnetic field; the magnetic domain structure in films with periodic microscopic arrays of holes; the so-called vortex structure in magnetic nanodots; how the spin structures of nanoparticles differ from those of the corresponding bulk structures; the dynamics of how superparamagnetic moments fluctuate in magnetic nanopartices as studied by coherent magnetic x-ray scattering; the depth profile of spins injected into a semiconductor from a ferromagnet, etc.

We have developed a theoretical formalism for efficiently calculating resonant magnetic scattering from magnetic interfaces with roughness and domain structures [see the link ], which we use in analyzing our magnetic x-ray scattering data.  


Figure. (Left) Polarized neutron reflectivity of polycrystalline and (111) – epitaxial film of permalloy/CoO exchange bias bilayer above Neel temperature. (Right) Magnetic density profile at the interface and the pinned moments extracted from neutron reflectivity at biased state.


          II. Domain Walls Fluctuation in Antiferromagnetic Dysprosium

We use resonant magnetic X-ray scattering with coherent X-rays to observe magnetic “speckles” from spin systems. Rare element dysprosium has a hexagonal close packed structure and has a spiral antiferromagnetic structure between its Curie temperature (~85K) and Neel temperature (~180K). With resonant soft X-ray, we can reach the M-edge of dysprosium and obtain pure magnetic speckles at the (0,0,Qm) diffraction peak. We used X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) to study the dynamics of antiferromagnetic domain walls. We show that the domains

of a spiral antiferromagnet enter a jammed state at the onset of long-range order. The slow thermal fluctuations of the domain walls exhibit a compressed exponential relaxation with an exponent of 1.5 found in a wide variety of solid-like jammed systems and can be qualitatively explained in terms of stress release in a stressed network. As the temperature decreases, the energy barrier for uctuations becomes large enough to arrest further domain wall uctuations due to increase in exchange energy, and the domains freeze into a spatial configuration within 10 K of the Neel temperature. The relaxation times follow the Vogel-Fulcher law as observed in polymers, glasses and colloids thereby indicating that the dynamics of domain walls in an ordered antiferromagnet exhibit some of the universal features associated with glassy behavior.


The experiment was carried out at beamline at Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.



Figure. (Left) Schematic diagram of spiral structure along the c-axis in dysprosium. Domains are formed due to different charalities or phase slips. (Middle) Evolution of magnetic diffraction peak as a function of temperature. Below Curie temperature and above Neel temperature, only charge reflection peaks are seen. (Right) Evolution of speckle pattern with time. The autocorrelation function shows a strong dependence as a function of temperature.

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© copyright 2007 Sinha Group at Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego Last Updated on November 17, 2010